Order Free Materials

To order you must teach in the Portland General Electric’s service area. Some of our booklets are currently unavailable. Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.


Item Title Quantity
#36416 Aunt Sarah and the Amazing Power: An Electrical Safety Tale (Grades K-2) View Details
#36535 Aunt Sarah and the Amazing Power: An Electrical Safety Tale in Spanish (Grades K-2) View Details
#35200 Where The Little Light Bulb Gets Its Juice
(Grades K-2)
View Details
#35450 Energy For Today And Tomorrow Activity Book
(Grades K-3)
View Details
#38015 The Clubhouse Kids Make a Big Difference
(Grades 2-4)
View Details
#38605 Your Renewable Energy World™ (Grades 3-7) View Details
#38595 Electrical Safety World™ (Grades 4-6) View Details
#38600 Electrical Safety World™ in Spanish (Grades 4-6) View Details
#38040 Exploring Your Environment (Grades 3-6) View Details
#36695 It’s a Wired World™ (Grades 4-8) View Details
#38000 Hands-On Energy Efficiency (Grades 5-7) View Details
#89650 The Climate Keepers: Agents of Project Zero
(Grades 4-8)
View Details
#89705 The Climate Keepers: Agents of Project Zero in Spanish (Grades 4-8) View Details
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The information in the Portland General Electric school outreach program benefits students for years to come.
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